Kreadivs Goes Live!

Kreadivs (pronounced "creatives") is now live!

For those who don't know, I've been working on this for some time. It's still not perfect, or fully rolled out, but in the spirit of not letting perfect be the enemy of progress, it's officially launched!

Over the next few weeks (months, years), I'll be rolling out new features along with details about what inspired kreadivs.


So, what is Kreadivs? It's a network for the creative community.

You're thinking, "ok great, what does that mean?"

Well it is designed to be:

A Photo Sharing Platform - for features, feedback, fun and failures

A Directory - both of clients and creatives. With creatives expanding beyond photographers to videographers, graphic designers, etc.

Community - connection point for creatives to share their work and find other communities on other platforms like slack, discord, facebook, etc.

Resource Center - Code Replacements creator, tutorials, contracts, etc.

Job Board - Listings for paid assignments and open salary positions

Gear Center - A platform to review, buy, sell and discuss gear

If this interests you, please join our network! The more creatives who sign-up, the bigger, better community we can build!


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Hello! I am a photographer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. I primarily photograph sports (action, events, and portraits) ... and my feet.




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